Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bigs and Oliver

Part 1
Banjo/Ball throwing friends!
Okay so this is a pre-blog post to meeting two people that I HAVE TO meet. Mal, Emily and I are on the BU Beach doing work and about 30 minutes ago we noticed two boys sit on the lawn nearby- one of which likes Psych because he's wearing a psych shirt. Initially we just kind of observed their presence and then resumed our homework but then they started doing interesting things.
Boy #1: Pulled out a banjo and started rockin' out
Boy #2: Pulled out two bags with balls in them...or something and started swinging them about.
So that was fun to watch and Emily mentioned I should probably meet them for my blog. I thought about it but I am sort of cold so I didn't want to get up and go over. Well...about 3 minutes ago THEY SWITCHED!! Now Boy #1 is swinging the bags and Boy #2 is playing the banjo.
I wonder how they met and as Emily said earlier "decided to do these things together." Sooo now I'm going to meet them...

(Me, Bigs, Oliver) - Bigs didn't like this one so we tried again...

Part 2
I have now learned that the ball/bag contraptions are actually called - Poi. They decided to pick up the hobby and as soon as they get good enough, they are trying it with fire!

Poi with fire

These kids were awesome! Bigs is a freshman engineer who plays the banjo and grew up in Louisville, Kentucky. He doesn't have a southern accent but he has the prettiest blue eyes that offset his hair nicely. He was very polite and almost asked me more questions than I asked him. As we ended the conversation he decided to recite a quote that fits in very well with my blog. "Strangers are friends you haven't met yet." That's literally exactly what I'm doing, so thank you for that Bigs.

This one would have been awesome
...if I wasn't distracted by Emily's finger and Mallory's straw

His friend, Oliver, is quite the adventurer. He transferred here from a school in Texas and is fascinated with different countries. Oliver just spent the past six weeks in Guatemala doing work with an organization that provided free health care for a period of time to the natives. He delivered a he gets props for that.  

What I liked most about these boys is their thirst for life. They both seemed to just take up the most random activities...just to learn them! Many people want to travel and experience things but these guys just do it. No wonder they were drawn to each other. Before I left they were talking about how there were no fairs or festivals going on in Boston this weekend. Have I ever even considered the option of attending one? Nope. I sort of just do the regular on the weekends - go out to dinner, catch up on sleep, watch movies...I need to hit up some fairs. Why live in Boston if you don't take advantage of the city's festive atmosphere?!

Boston - Awesome city that I don't take advantage of

Thanks for being awesome Bigs and Oliver! I honestly hope I see you two again. Perhaps at a fair or a festival :]

1 comment:

  1. Emily: you count as one person, because the way i see it with the swap of talents you're pretty much one entity.

    Bigs: We're all one entity
    (moment of silence)
