Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Katie Curtin

My last new friend! I'm sooo glad I met her too. This girl has done everything that I have contemplated doing in school and after I graduate (namely being an RA, doing summer orientation and Teach for America). I had a really long talk with her and it was wonderful. I met a lot of freshman recently and I have imparted small amounts of wisdom. Tonight, I GOT ADVICE! And it was wonderful talking with her.

She's soo down to earth and very relatable. I can understand why she's an RA. I really enjoyed learning about all the things she does here. She inspired me to take on more responsibilities in the clubs I am involved with. We talked a lot about her leadership roles, that girl really knows how to get involved and climb that success ladder!

success ladder.

Katie grew up in Phoenix although she had no desire of ever being a ASU Sundevil. She doesn't spend much time at home because of busy college life but it's good to see that she's doing great and making her own path in the world. It makes me more comfortable about this stage in my life where I don't spend all my breaks going home. I want to be less of a baby about it - and more like Katie. :]

(also my HS mascot)

If you ever go to the roof top again, Katie, please take me with you! That sounds pretty awesome. Also, I stand by my claim that you looked very pretty today and didn't need to send me a picture. But this one is cute too! Thanks for being my last new friend, I have a feeling I'll stop by and say hi to you at some point this year.

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