Colby and I got so lucky! I got a window seat, he got an aisle seat and there was no one in the middle. Thank goodness. I bet he was silently thanking God to as I pulled out my Nyquill, tissues and Halls throat soothers. Poor kid, I'd hate to be the one stuck next to the sick person on a plane.
Well, I learned what Lafayette was today - a college that Colby attends in Pennsylvania. It's his freshman year and he's having doubts but the way he was talking about his life at school, I know he loves it. Apparently they have a large rivalry with Lehigh University. In fact, it's the oldest college football rivalry in American history. Fun fact!
I liked his headphones. And his iPad. I think the iPad is a technology that you can mock until you see it and realize how super cool it looks! He watched Entourage for most of the flight.
Silence was key in our friendship. Mainly because he was busy doing work and I was busy sleeping off sickness. Nonetheless, throughout the flight we occasionally exchanged words. It was nice to have a silent friend because normally I like to fill up every gap in conversation with words but sometimes it's easier to just coexist.
Thanks for not flipping out because of my icky coughing. You are a trouper. Have fun in SD and at Lafayette!
Just like our silent moments :) They are a very unique thing.