Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kiyoshi - The Shy One

This was my first challenge and if I wasn't so fried from this essay I have been writing, I might have turned it into yet another success. Instead, I only half learned about Kiyoshi. Fortunately, I was getting sooo sick of the blog format that I have started using with every single person, this will be a refreshing change of pace.

Another reason why I didn't have epic meeting skills today..

Setting the scene: After writing a sufficient amount of the beginning of my essay, I migrated from the quiet study lounge to the next-door loud study lounge where I have yet to see people do productive work. Usually as I pass computers I see Facebook, Pandora, various computer games and now Likealittle.

I found my friend Henry and told him I was running out of time to meet my new friend and he introduced me to the kid sitting next to him. Yup, you guessed it. Kiyoshi! After introducing my blog topic, he hesitantly looked at me and requested I try another location, suggesting the laundry room where I could strike up a conversation with someone on the grounds that we both were doing laundry at the same time. Besides the fact that I really have to do my laundry, I was immediately more inclined go try the basement for a new friend due to the fact that this was the first person who was hesitant to accept. It's always frightening to get turned down. On the other hand... I WAS ECSTATIC :] Although I doubt anyone could tell because it's late, I'm tired and I assembled bagels for five hours. So basically I look/feel like a zombie.


Anyways. I accepted the fact that he didn't want to be my next subject and continued to converse with my friends. About two minutes later, Kiyoshi turned to me and introduced himself. BACKTRACK - Junior year of high school at a JEA conference in an investigative journalism workshop I learned the secret trick of interviewing. If you ask a question and don't receive a desired response, stay silent. Usually the interviewee will then start speaking more and perhaps elaborate or better answer the question. Although I was not employing this technique here, it seemed to work. He then wanted to talk. I guess I dropped the ball on the conversation at this point because I turned around for a moment and the next thing I know, Kiyoshi had disappeared.

Usually, I would now tell you the little information I learned about him but before leaving he said something along the lines of, "So. You are just going to write down my name and what you learned about me in a post? That's weird." I'm actually not sure if he said weird. It could have been creepy or awkward or another word similar to these. Regardless, I'm going to prove him wrong. I can paint a picture of this kid without an actual picture or a description of his life.

Kiyoshi seems outgoing. From what I gathered, he doesn't speak unless he has something to say but when he does speak, he looks you in the eye and says exactly what's on his mind. He stereotypes...but who doesn't? People enjoy his company and value his friendship. Although he makes fun of his major, he also takes pride in the goal that he's working towards.

Dear Kiyoshi,

Thanks for being difficult! :P And honestly - that wasn't sarcasm. I am never sarcastic. I enjoyed trying to figure you out. I took your introduction (before you bounced) as a go-ahead to write my blog post on you anyways. Congrats on being number 16! I say this because now I'm officially over halfway done. I'll probably see you around so I'm sure I'll get to know you better eventually. Once you know me, the idea behind this blog will probably make more sense.

Until next time!

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