Thursday, November 18, 2010

Terry Reardon

This was my first "sit with someone eating alone" meeting experience. Terry was so nice! It was good to have someone so welcoming after the last two people who were so hesitant. (Alexis I am not talking about you, I'm talking about the rejection I got before I met you!)

So our talk only had one awkward pause because this guy is a great conversationalist. Although I definitely noticed he was a Massachusetts native. He was a fan the local catch phrases namely "mad" and "wicked."

(Where Terry is from)

Terry told me not to "mock him" in my post. And I started thinking about it. Honestly, this kid was so genuinely nice. Like. Really nice. He was welcoming to the idea of my blog and he contributed a lot to our conversation. He tricked me into thinking 18 was his favorite number (he's #18 of my new friends) but it only added another dimension to his wonderful personality that I didn't expect. At the one moment where I started lacking in conversation topics, he picked it back up! Yay Terry.

I appreciated his calm demeanor. He put me at ease because he seemed so relaxed. Perhaps it was the lovely Thanksgiving dinner that our dining hall fed us today, but he was just peacefully smiling while I chattered away asking him questions. He likes blue grass. I mean it's not exactly one of the main issues that we dealt with but I was definitely impressed. It was just set up funny. He was listing off music he liked which included older hip hop, newer hip hop, obscure hip hop, metal...and blue grass! Ahhh so weird. But also mildly impressive.

Great meeting you Terry!

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