Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chris Blake, 24

I am not quite sure this post will do Chris justice. But I'll try my best.

Setting the scene: My two friends and I were in Pinkberry enjoying some amazing frozen yogurt when I turned around and noticed someone sitting alone and voraciously attacking his frozen yogurt. (Lightbulb moment) He should be my new friend for the day! And so I asked him to come sit with us and have a conversation.

Things I noticed:
1. He is VERY animated. In his speech and hand motions, it's like a whirlwind of emotions and quite an adventure to talk to him.
2. He is passionate about his beliefs (mainly that Toronto is much more fun than Boston)
3. His catch phrases are: "Well the thing is" and "Here's my question"

He was so funny. We were all laughing for that entire conversation. I didn't really get to ask him that many questions but I learned a lot about him nonetheless. He spent a summer in China where he taught children curse words. Apparently children there are fascinated with American curse words. A little boy once ran up to him and yelled, "Fuck you!" and then smiled and asked Chris if he had said it correctly.  Oh, before this conversation started, he apologized profusely for saying "shit." Then Chris realized his profanity didn't faze us, his speech transformed into that of a sailor's.

(Probs my only opportunity to add a picture of a Chinese baby.)

Chris went to college in Toronto and enjoyed himself thoroughly, or at least that's the way he made it seem since he raved about the restaurants open late and crazy party life that he enjoyed. He's now a graduate student at MIT studying quantum communications... I think.

Google pictures: Toronto. If this is what it looks like, I definitely want to go!

He was very excited about the differences in abbreviations!

COM at BU - communications (aka journalism, PR, advertising)
COM at MIT - computer communications "The further you get in computer communications, the less you can communicate with other people" - Chris Blake

ECE at BU - Early Childhood Education
ECE at MIT - Electrical Engineering

^This took up about 20 minutes of conversation time. Every minute of it was interesting. That's how fun he was!

Let me just point out before I wrap up; he is fully aware that he's a very energetic kid with a knack for interesting conversation. At one point, Emily said something along the lines of, "You are so fun to talk to!" and he responded with "Yeah!! I know I'm awesome." It only made him that much cooler.

Thanks for a great evening. I think I can safely speak on behalf of Mariah and Emily as well when I say that you entertained us thoroughly. If you are ever in the neighborhood, we will take you to Noodle Street. Have a good year, new friend!


  1. by far my favorite "new aditi friend" i've witnessed. i haven't laughed that much in a while =]

    and i think it wasnt just america vs. canada, it was more human communication vs. engineering (engineering ece=electrical computer engineering, vs. human communication ece= early childhood education)

    his entire "quantum communication vs. human communication" thing really impressed me =]. Its always nice to find an MIT nerd who's down to party hard =P

    see ya round, kiddo! hope you arn't bored!

    xxo Emily.

  2. This is Chris Blake... just a minor correction, (in fact, it is probably my fault for not making this clear, so, to continue my habit of excessive apologizing... sorry)... it is called ECE at University of Toronto... at MIT it is called EECS (electrical engineering and computer science)... I know some places call ECE early childhood education... if BU calls it that, I guess you would know... but I am not sure if that is true.

    As for me partying hard in Toronto... I am somewhat surprised I made that kind of impression, because honestly, I don't think I do... but, if that's how I come off as, that's cool with me!

  3. Hahaha sorry Chris! And you really don't need to apologize as much as you do. Thanks for letting me meet you :]

  4. So, to fulfill my commitment to recommend to you a Taiwanese food place... direct from a Taiwanese friend of mine, apparently Blue Asia Cafe is good:

    It is not that far from BU. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. That's really funny because my Taiwanese friend also recommended that place. I guess I have to go now. Thanks for getting back to me about that. Let us know when you are in the mood for Thai.
