Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Plan

My mission:
For one month, I will meet one new person every day, no exceptions. My goal is to get a picture up on my blog and interview everyone with the same set of questions.

Hello! Welcome to November, my friend. I am now starting a very scary experiment. Two weeks ago my roommate Mallory brought up the topics of blogs and I shared my secret desire to start a blog about people. With her encouragement and assistance, I decided I’m going to try this for a month.

If I had one superpower, it would be super meeting powers. I want to meet everyone in the world. I love people. They are amazing. Every person that walks down the street past me has this huge back-story and awesome life and I want to know it.

Two years ago, I was a crazy high school journalist with no real regard for consequences. I dressed up as a homeless person and walked through a San Diego neighborhood gauging the reactions of people to my appearance. I realized later that I was judging people  as much as they were judging me. But you would too.

Tell me how you think these three individuals would react to a homeless person (or my rendition of a homeless person).

1. Older lady (perhaps in her 40s) with a Burberry scarf and 2 inch heels. She walked out of Sally’s Beauty Supplies with bags in her hands and headed towards her car.
2. High school boy wearing khakis, Rainbows and a graphic T. He was waiting for a friend who rode in on a skateboard at which point they both headed past me.
3. A slightly older man, probably in his 20s or 30s, no idea what his profession was but he was walking hurriedly towards the Panera on the other side of the plaza.

Reactions? I could tell you how they responded…but I think I’ve made my point.

We’ll figure that out eventually, I hope. There’s probably some relation to my digression but for now this is solely an idea with potential. And I suppose another excuse to push my comfort zone. Wish me luck; I meet my first new friend tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Ok I love it!!! Its like listening in on a conversation everyday about the people you meet it is perfect! Plus, it sounds exactly like you in your writings. I am thinking this is a great project for journalism practice!
    Although, you should mention in that thing about being a homeless person for a day that no one in that shopping center thought your were homeless since you were wearing A&F jeans and were only carrying one bag! I think people just thought you forgot to brush your hair that morning because you were in a hurry to turn in your recycling. hahaha I like the love guestion I want to hear other people’s answers since you and I have such opposite answers. But anyways I am enjoying it can’t wait to read the next one! I miss you! You should contact me, that is all :)
